Get To Know Our Members

Name: Michael Koenig, CPA, CGA, CFP
Firm: Davis Martindale LLP
Position in DFK: International Tax Committee Member since 2017
Length of Membership in DFK: Member since 2007

What Do You See As the Biggest Benefit of Your Membership With DFK:

The biggest benefit is the direct access to personal and professional resources. Having these DFK resources are invaluable to our international clients as well as those in the process of becoming international.

Fun Fact About Yourself:

I am a wine appreciator and casual collector. For me, it’s all about the story! Everyone’s life has a story and so does every wine. Where and why it has been made, and by whom are the interesting parts!

Find out more about Davis Martindale LLP at


Name: Andrew P. Logan
Firm: Teed Saunders Doyle
Position in DFK: Chair
Length of Membership in DFK: 20 years

What Do You See As the Biggest Benefit of Your Membership With DFK:

Where do I start? There are 3 significant reasons why DFK brings such value to our firm:

  1. First and foremost it’s the people. We are all fiercely independent, entrepreneurial accountants that believe in the same thing – providing high quality service to our clients. It’s this comradery that I value most, and it is the foundation on which I believe the DFK value proposition is based. I have absolutely no qualms about picking up the phone or shooting an email to anyone of the dozens of acquaintances I have met over the years, and I would expect the same of them with me. The response is always the same – what can I do to help!
  2. On a practical basis, DFK allows firms to have access to a vast network of expertise and experience. It allows us to provide services to our client we might to have in-house, or allow us access to other firm’s experiences which brings value to our own client situation. Powerful stuff.
  3. Our propensity to be totally open during our “get-togethers” allows for the free flow of information. The sharing of best practices, detailed financial information, successes and flops, and our dirty laundry allows for the firms to continuously improve. I have noticed that even some of our very largest Canadian members have asked questions to the smaller firms. Our members are humble, and always willing to listen and learn.

Tell Us Some Fun Fact About Yourself – Hobbies, Special Interests, Education, Volunteer Activities etc.
I am doing a podcast for John Garrett – the Green Apple guy from the Las Vegas Conference. Podcast #69. He saved it special for me he said.

Name: Chad Knippel
Firm: Kingston Ross Pasnak LLP
Position in DFK: Vice President
Length of Membership in DFK: Firm has been a member since 1982

What Do You See As the Biggest Benefit of Your Membership With DFK: The personal relationships that we have built with the excellent DFK firm members across Canada and the world that allow us to service our current and future clients that have not only local operations, but national and international operations with ease and confidence.

Tell Us Some Fun Fact About Yourself – Hobbies, Special Interests, Education, Volunteer Activities etc.
My two young daughters keep me pretty busy outside of the office, but we all like to travel and have fun exploring the world above, on land and below the ocean. Me, my wife and our 12 year-old daughter are all certified scuba divers and we did our first “family” dive in October 2016, including our ten-year-old daughter who passed the pool orientation course at the hotel. She too will be scuba certified the fall of 2017.

Name: Bryce Eidsness
Firm: Kenway Mack Slusarchuk Stewart LLP
Position in DFK: Past President and current board member
Length of Membership in DFK: 25 years

What Do You See As the Biggest Benefit of Your Membership With DFK:

  • Forming International connections with like sized and similar thinking accounting and advisory organizations for the benefit of our clients.
  • The sharing of leadership and management ideas and practices among our fellow DFK friends.

Fun Fact About Yourself – Hobbies, Special Interests, Education, Volunteer Activities etc.
Boating, Cross country skiing, hockey and travelling.

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